Aquarius September 2013 Horoscope

Aquarius September 2013 Horoscope
Your career planet, Pluto, has been retrograde for many months. This career has been more or less on hold. There was a lack of direction there. Even bosses and superiors have seemed very uncertain about things – about the future. But now, on the 16th, Pluto starts to move forward again. There is more clarity happening. Old issues are getting resolved. The timing of this is very good. Very soon you enter a yearly career peak – and you will be able to proceed with more clarity and confidence.

There are career changes happening – dramatic ones (and there are more in the future). This year you get only a taster. But next year this will be more dramatic.

Be more patient with bosses, parents or parent figures now. This has been problematic for a few months.

Last month your love planet changed signs and houses. It moved into Virgo and your 8th house. Venus moved in there as well (on the 22nd). Two love planets in the sign of Virgo at the same time create complications in love. The good news is that there is much you can do to avoid the pitfalls. When you are under the influence of a planetary power, it is like being under the influence of a drug. It changes your mood, your thinking, your attitude. This influence creates a desire for 'perfection7 in love – a normal and natural desire in itself. But it can be manifest in very destructive kinds of ways. First off, there is a tendency to come from the mind instead of the heart. Love is a heart energy, and so this intellectual approach stifles romance. This desire for perfection can also lead to destructive kinds of criticism – sure to kill off any romantic kind of feeling. It is good to want perfection in love – and you deserve it – but you have to go about it in the right way. Analysis should come after romantic moments, not during them. You don't need to spend time looking for flaws or problems. These things will arise naturally without any special effort on your part. Then you can look for ways to correct them. Destructive criticism is never helpful. Keep it constructive. And even with constructive criticism, be alert to the timing of it. If your beloved is not in the right mood, best to avoid it. Perfection is a process. It is not realistic to expect it all at once. It is created little by little, over time. If you take this approach, your love life will certainly be happier.

Since the 23rd of last month, you have been in a sexually active period. But Mars in your 6th house of health suggests a need for moderation. So indulge, but don't over-indulge. There is a price to pay for over-indulgence.

Happy health is much improved over last month. Energy and vitality are back to their norms. Energy will increase even further after the 23rd. You have all the energy you need to achieve any goal you desire. Mars will still be in your 6th house until the 18th. So enhance health through massaging your head, face and scalp, through physical exercise and through sexual moderation. Detox regimes are also good now.