Daily Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, 2014 Horoscopes, Love Horoscopes And Zodiac Sign Compatibility
Leo December 2013 Horoscope
Leo December 2013 Horoscope
On the 25th of last month, there was a solar eclipse (number four this year) in your 5th house. You are still in the eclipse period early this month. This brings dramatic events in the lives of children (biological or those who are like children to you in your life) and lovers. Love affairs get tested. There are changes in your personal creativity. A parent or parent figure makes dramatic financial changes. The other parent or parent figure could be having surgery or near-death kinds of experiences – encounters with death. Again, for the fourth time this year, you need to re-define your personality, image and self-concept. Again, there will be wardrobe changes.
On the 10th, there is a lunar eclipse in your llth house. This brings dramatic experiences in the lives of friends, and perhaps tests friendships. Friends will be more temperamental now, so be more patient with them. Again, a parent or parent figure makes dramatic financial changes. You are making important changes in your spiritual practice, changing teachers or systems, changing your attitudes here.
Be more careful with speculations until the 14th. Your financial planet is still retrograde until then. Wait on important purchases (or your holiday shopping) until after the 14th. You will make wiser choices and probably spend less.
Your yearly personal pleasure peak continues until the 22nd, then you enter a more serious, down-to-earth work period. Job-seekers have good success after the 23rd. It is your interest and drive that make the difference. Before that you are more interested in 'play', and so the drive for a job is not what it should be.
Health is good, and yet you are very much focused here. The focus seems to come from the cosmetic benefits of good health. You discover that when you are healthy, your physical appearance shines (this is not so for everyone). So there is a vanity component here.
Venus enters your 7th house on 21st. You are mixing with people above you in status. You enhance your career through social means, by knowing or meeting the right people and by attending or hosting the right parties. The unattached have aspects for an office romance.
You are being prepared for a yearly social peak, which will happen next month.
Planetary momentum is becoming overwhelmingly forward. By the end of the month ALL, the planets will be moving forward – so be prepared for rapid progress, rapid success and an increase in the pace of events.