Leo May 2014 Horoscope

 Two eclipses and a moving of the planet's display a tumultuous and stressful type of 30 days, both individually and in the world at huge.

Health has been more sensitive since Apr 19. No query that you need to rest and rest more, to speed yourself better. You are very active nowadays and so find¬in rest time will be a task. Arranging small smashes during your day might be a wise decision. The center needs unique interest until the twentieth.

Solar energy in about the tenth happens in your tenth home of professional and declares profession changes. There are shake-ups at the top stages of your company or market, and perhaps scams as well. Unidentified (and probably unflattering) information comes to mind. There are impressive, life-changing actions in the lifestyles of mother and father, mother or father numbers or energy numbers in your lifestyle. There is a need to modify techniques and technique in the desire of professional objectives. Usually the unexpected happens that modify the guidelines of the experience.

You need to rest and rest more until the twentieth and es pe¬clearly during the eclipse interval. If you have not been cautious in nutritional issues, a cleansing of the body could occur. Twice a season – whenever there is a solar energy surpass – you get an opportunity to change yourself, to make a 'new you' And this will be occurring now. Keep in thoughts that eclipse phenomena are in impact for six several weeks. These actions might not occur in¬mediately but over the course of the next six several weeks.

The Lunar Surpass of the twenty fifth delivery changes in the spark¬ritual life: changes of instructors, lessons, exercise and at ti¬tubes. Often it indicates shake-ups in a religious or nonprofit you are engaged with. There are life-changing actions in the lifestyles of experts or expert numbers in your lifestyle. This eclipse happens in your 5th home for kids and thus reveals impressive changes in the lifestyles of kids or kids numbers. Often these changes are excellent – the kid goes off to higher education or marries or gets a job – but they modify the connection. Children or kids numbers should prevent dangerous actions during this interval. Rumors are not recommended then either. Many Leos are in the innovative artistry and enjoyment areas, and this eclipse reveals important changes and devel¬opponents in their individual creativeness.

On Apr 19, the planetary energy started to move from the European to the Eastern. On May 1, as Mercury shifted from the European to the Eastern, the movie was finished. Though the European, public market of your astrology will be power all season, now you get into your interval of individual freedom.

Leo May 2014 Horoscope