Scorpio February 2014 Horoscope
On Jan 19, the planetary energy started to move from the separate southern industry to the public Western. This 30 days, as Venus goes westward, the movement is even more highly effective. Now is enough time growing your public abilities, to obtain your finishes through collaboration and agreement rather than by indexingdent activity. Now you have to stay with the circumstances you designed over the last six several weeks as it is much more challenging to make changes. Best to evolve to circumstances as best you can.
This is another very excellent 30 days – perhaps even better than last 30 days – to release new items or projects. ALL the planet's is continuing to move ahead until the eighteenth. Thus the perfect here we are at doing this is from the Tenth to the Eighteenth (as the celestial satellite waxes).
Love was bittersweet last 30 days. On the one hand there was excellent chance from Jan 15 to 18, but also great uncertainty. There were many feelings changes in really like. Love becomes more constant this 30 days. You are interacting more from housing. An awesome silent supper at the house is more loving than an evening out on the city. Scorpios are very sex-related individuals, but this 30 days you also desire psychological closeness. Emotional sex – sex on the sensation level – is probably more important than real sex. Often when really like the world is in the 4th house of close relatives and house, individuals fulfill up with old fire from the blast. Sometimes it is the real person; sometimes someone who informs you of the individual. The objective here is to take care of old incomplete business.
Health still needs to view, especially until the eighteenth. Your wellness world Mars goes into Pisces on the 2nd. Thus you can improve the wellness through spiritual-type treatments such as relaxation, prayer, the resting on of arms, rack and the adjustment of simple efforts. You get very good outcomes from this all 30 days, but especially from the 3rd to the 5th. Water-based treatments are also very highly effective. Health becomes amazing after the eighteenth. You have all the energy you need to accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
Though you are not in your annually economic optimum, economic situation has been excellent and income has improved since Jan 19. This success carries on until Feb 18. After the eighteenth economic situation becomes more complicated. Your objectives will be accomplished, but through conquering challenges. The economical styles are fairly much as we have described in the annually review.
Home and close relatives are still the significant concentration until the eighteenth. Scorpios of the appropriate age joined a pattern of infertility on the nineteenth of last 30 days, which will proceed for another few several weeks yet.