Daily Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, 2014 Horoscopes, Love Horoscopes And Zodiac Sign Compatibility
Capricorn December 2014 Horoscope
The planetary power approaches the maximum Eastern position for the year, so keep in mind our discussion last month. Now you don’t need to give in to others all the time. You can and should have your own way, so long as it isn’t destructive. Now is the time to assert yourself in a positive way, to create the conditions of life as you would like them to be. Personal initiative matters now.
Ever since Jupiter moved into Cancer at the end of June you have been in a very spiritual kind of period. On November 22 your 12th house of spirituality also became powerful and it is powerful until the 21st of the month ahead. For a down-to-earth Capricorn this is unusual. You are experiencing all kinds of synchronistic events, spiritual phenomena, and supernatural phenomena. The dream life becomes more active and prophetic, and you can’t just dismiss it. Your dreams are vivid and real on their level. Sometimes the ‘impractical’ – the unworldly – is the most practical path. You are seeing how the world and the universe really work. Many spiritual breakthroughs are happening. The vast invisible world is letting you know that it is around and in charge. You are especially seeing this in health matters and healing and respond very well to spir¬itual therapies. But it seems to me you are seeing the power of this for other people as well.
Your personal health is relatively good this month, and it gets even better after the 21st as the Sun moves into your own sign. You look good. There is more sex appeal and glamour to your image and the opposite sex takes notice. Love should be good. You still have strong marriage aspects this year – and well into next year.
Your Financial Planet starts to move forward on the 17th after many months of retrograde motion. This is good news. Mental clarity should start to happen. The financial judge¬ment becomes trustworthy again. Still, finances seem stress¬ful this month. You are dealing with many, many challenges. Friends and family don’t seem supportive of your financial goals and family expenses are higher than usual. You just need to work harder and exert more effort to attain your goals. Your spiritual understanding will be a big help in deal¬ing with this.
On the 8th, Mars, the family planet, crosses the Mid-heaven and enters your 10th house. This shows that family is now becoming the number one priority. The family seems to support your career, but not your finances. This focus on the family is good. On the 21st the planetary power starts to shift to the lower half of the Horoscope, also signalling a need to focus on home, family and emotional wellbeing.
There are some dynamic aspects at the end of the month from the 23rd to 31st. These affect friends and family very much. They should stay out of harm’s way as much as pos¬sible. Drive more carefully and avoid risk-taking activities.
Capricorn December 2014 Horoscope