Daily Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, 2014 Horoscopes, Love Horoscopes And Zodiac Sign Compatibility
Virgo July 2013 Horoscope
Virgo July 2013 Horoscope
As mentioned, there is a solar eclipse on the 1st. This one is less
Stressful than the ones of last month (but if this eclipse hits a
Sensitive point in your actual natal chart – cast specifically for your
Date and time of birth – it can be quite powerful). Solar eclipses shake
Up the world, and we've had two in two months. So the newspapers are
Filled with crisis in governments, wars or rumours of war, revolutions,
The deaths of celebrities and weird sorts of crimes.
For you personally, the eclipse will test friendships. It brings
Dramatic events in the lives of friends. There are shake-ups in
Professional or trade organizations that you are involved with. A parent
Or parent figure makes important financial changes. Again, there are
Changes in your spiritual practice, teachers, methods and attitudes.
Generally these come because of interior revelation. New light shows the
Need for a new approach.
Happily, your health is much better than last month. If there have been
Problems, you hear the good news now. The credit for this will perhaps go to
Some new therapy or to a health professional (and they do deserve
Credit for being instruments), but the real truth is that the planets
Shifted in your favour and enhanced your overall vitality. Thus, the
Healing was able to happen.
Your love planet went retrograde last month – June 3. It will be
Retrograde until December. This doesn't stop love from happening, nor
Does it stop dating or the social life? It only slows things down. There
Is a need for more caution in love these days? A current relationship
Is being're-thought' and reviewed. There is uncertainty as to where
Things are going. Neptune has been visiting your 7th house since April
5, and will be there this month as well. Generally this brings
'Revelations' in love, about a partner. Hidden things are uncovered.
Sometimes these things are unsavoury and can test a relationship. But
Keep in mind, Neptune will also uncover hidden good points, too.
Your llth house of friends is powerful this month (like last month).
Thus it is a social kind of month – a month for getting involved with
Organizations and group activities. It is a period when you deepen your
Understanding of science, mathematics, astrology and technology. Much
New insight comes this month.
After the 23rd the power shifts to your spiritual 12th house. So this is
Also a period for spiritual, inner growth. A period, for having many
Supernatural and 'synchronicity' experiences. Career is furthered by
Your spiritual understanding, and by involvement with charities or
Selfless kinds of causes – causes aimed at the greater good – bigger
Then one's own self-interest. There will also be revelation to your
Spiritual joy and purpose for this life.
Even your financial good comes in spiritual ways -through interior
Revelation, or guidance or intuition. You are delving more deeply into
The spiritual dimensions of health.