Daily Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, 2014 Horoscopes, Love Horoscopes And Zodiac Sign Compatibility
Virgo June 2013 Horoscope
Virgo June 2013 Horoscope
An eventful, fast-paced month, full of changes and, perhaps, crises. But
The cosmos never gives you more than you can handle, and you will have
The wherewithal to deal with what comes up.
The main headline is that there are two eclipses – both very strong on
You. Health is delicate anyway until the 21st, so the need for more rest
And more focus on health is even stronger. Take a reduced schedule
During the eclipse periods – around the 1st and around the 15th. Those
Of you who are more sensitive have probably been feeling the effects of
The solar eclipse even before the end of last month. Sometimes we feel
The effects as much as two weeks beforehand and even a week afterwards.
You will get a 'cosmic announcement' – a strange, weird event that
Happens – which will tell you when the eclipse period is in effect for
You personally. Then you can act accordingly.
The solar eclipse of the 1st occurs in your 10th house and is announcing
Career changes, shake-ups in your corporate hierarchy or industry,
Changes in the rules and policies, and dramas with parent or parent
Figures. There are many changes and disruptions happening in the world
As large as well – but this is how the eclipse is likely to affect you.
Every solar eclipse affects your spiritual life, your spiritual
Practice, the path you is on and your attitudes. So these are
Undergoing change as well. These changes will definitely happen, for
There is another solar will eclipse next month as well.
The career changes seem basically happy. You are in a yearly career
Peak, so obstructions to your progress get removed (sometimes in
Dramatic ways). Doors, hitherto shut, will open up.
The lunar eclipse of the 15th occurs in your 4th house. This affects
Family members in general and parents or parent figures more
Particularly. There are dramatic events in their lives. Parents and
Parent figures will need to re-define their image, personal appearance
And self-concept.
Work to make the home more safe during this period. Keep dangerous
materials out of the reach of children. Be more mindful when you work
Around the house. If there are flaws in the home, now is the time you
Find out about them, so that you can make corrections. This eclipse will
Also test friendships and bring dramatic events in the lives of
Your 9th house was power last month, and becomes powerful again this
Month. On the 4th Jupiter moves into this house. A very fortunate
Transit – especially for students. They have good fortune in their
Studies and with applications for university and graduate school. You
Will probably expand the home in the coming months – either through
Renovation or through a move. Foreign countries seem alluring as places
To live.