Virgo May 2013 Horoscope

Virgo May 2013 Horoscope
Mercury, your personal and career planet, were retrograde last month until the 23rd. Though career was important, things might have seemed to go backwards instead of forwards. But now, there is clear both about yourself and about where you want to go and what: you want to achieve. You are ready to enter your yearly career peak, which begins on the 21st.

On the 21st the Sun, your spiritual planet crosses your Midheaven and enters your 10th house of career. This indicates various things. People involved in your spiritual life are helping your career. You will receive revelation (on a spiritual level) of what your true work in life is. If you already know what it is, you will receive information about your next steps. For those of you on the spiritual path, this shows that your spiritual practice is really your career now. On a more mundane level, this shows that you can advance your career through charitable and altruistic kinds of activities. It's good to be involved with these activities in any case, but now it seems to have practical consequences. You make important contacts. These activities look good on your CV.

Finances look good this month as well. Until the 10th, it is about paying off debt, cutting waste and getting rid of possessions you don't need.

When you clear the decks of the unnecessary, you open the door for the cosmic largesse to enter in. As long as your world is cluttered with useless possessions, 'There is no room in the inn' for the new to come in. This is also a period where support from your partner or spouse is good, and where you can earn through creative kinds of financing. There is a nice windfall from the 10th to the 13th. It can happen through your spouse, partner or family members. It is a good financial aspect for a parent or parent figure as well. Still, you need to manage this extra income wisely. Saturn is in your money house all year.

On the 16th your financial planet enters the 9th house -another positive financial signal, as the 9th house is considered a very fortunate house. Earnings should increase again. There is travel related to business. There are financial opportunities in foreign lands, foreign companies or with foreigners in general. The metaphysical aspects of wealth are powerful – prayer, meditation, 'speaking the word' for what you want. Financial judgement is more sober and sound after the 16th as well. Purchases or investments are likely to be better than usual.

Health is good this month, but needs more watching after the 21st. You need to stay focused on the important things in your life and not waste energy on trivia.

Your 9th house is powerful all month, but especially until the 21st. Students (especially those at university or graduate level) should be successful. Legal matters will proceed better, faster and easier now. Happy travel and educational opportunities come. The horizons of the mind are enlarged this month, and this always (by the spiritual law) leads to expansion in other areas of life. A philosophical or religious breakthrough is a very joyous thing. It is not like eating a good meal or going out on the town, not a sense-based joy – but still joyous. There is a feeling of 'ah' that happens. You will be experiencing these kinds of jobs this month (and in the future, too).